Friday, March 07, 2008

Vigilante Justice

I was the teacher, it was my iPod, and I caught him.

Confused? Click here.


The McGuffin said...

My name is Friday...I carry a badge.

Holy crap. Interesting, yet sad story.

Rumour has it that a dash radio to a 1992 Saturn was also found at the scene...

Mr. Independent said...

Awesome, Eric! I read the story in today's paper, and I was wondering who it was. I'm so proud that I know you. I hope as you climb to fame that you remember me, former Tiger peer.

Eric said...

McGuffin--it is sad...I liked the guy, but it's clear he was a real problem in the building. Rumor had it that this kind of thing had been going on for YEARS. Every teacher I know has had something stolen from a locked room or a locked cabinet, so I think LC might have just become a safer place.

Rob Archer--You will certainly be a member of my cabinet...say, Secretary of Education?

Anonymous said...

You think it's the kids you have to watch out for...crazy world. Glad to hear you got your Ipod back!

Anonymous said...

Was he a closet indie rock fan?

That's great that you caught him, I would be so pissed if someone stole my iPod or computer.

Eric said...

I spoke to a friend who has had many items stolen from school, and she felt terrible for suspecting her students. Now she is pretty confident she knows who filched her goods!

Eric said...

MC: That's how I nailed him. I was so pissed my iPod was gone I wouldn't let it go. I called in some administrator's who took it to the next level.

It's funny, I was extra pissed because I had just loaded the new Stephen Malkmus CD and I was eager to listen to it that day.