Saturday, August 18, 2007

Autism test

Do you exhibit signs of Asperger's Syndrome or autism? Take the test to find out. I did. I scored a 24.


Anonymous said...

I scored 19. I am as normal as they come.

Anonymous said...

I scored a 23.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 20. Guess you're more retarded than me, huh? But I knew that, because you're bald.

Also, I finally watched the James Brown video and lol'ed all over the place... made me wonder what it would be like if another musician would answer every question in an interview by singing the titles of their hits... but then I couldn't think of any musician for whom that situation would be funnier than James Brown. Hmm.

On and... got any movie recommendations? I'm bored. School doesn't start for over a month.


Moe said...

28. I wanna go to K-mart okay.

Anonymous said...


This part piqued my interest, "copyright: Baron-Cohen, S. etc."

Anonymous said...

I scored a 21. Very interesting...that for the online test. I was waiting for the question that said, "I enjoy taking online tests." ....Stongly Agree!!

Anonymous said...

I scored 13, hmmmmm.... does that make me more non-autistic or less autistic?
Please don't put me in a profile box.

Anonymous said...

13 was the official score! (I wonder how I'd score if I hadn't just smoked up a big bowl of elephant tranquilizer...?)

Eric said...

Rob scored a 33, but he wouldn't dare post it.

Also, to Collin, Sasha Baron-Cohen's dad Simon is a famous psychologist.